
the year hip-hop “conquered the world,” the year Britpop proved a fast grab, and the year female voices grew exponentially in a variety of genres from pop to alternative to indie. In 1993 grunge was still relevant, electronica came out of the clubs and into the mainstream, and we were all blown away by the creative mixing of alternative rock, metal, noise, and rap on a certain movie’s original soundtrack.

On television, Michael Jackson revolutionized the Super Bowl, MTV Unplugged more or less reached its peak with Nirvana’s performance in December, and we all “came to Butt-head” when the iconic teen loser duo took their music video commentary to physical media with their hit comedy album, The Beavis and Butt-head Experience.

We Grumps fondly remember all this and more, so for our annual 30-year rewind playlist, we’re presenting you with our picks from arguably the greatest year in music, 1993.

Contributions from: Andrew Gimetzco!, Jay Alary, Taffeta V, Justin Harlan, Tyler Peterson, Elbee, Spencer Seams, and Brian Miller
