Tired of the same old “Rocktober” Halloween playlists? We are, too! So for this week’s extra special, extra spooky mix, we asked Marcus Pinn of Pinnland Empire and the Zebras in America podcast to curate […]

Tired of the same old “Rocktober” Halloween playlists? We are, too! So for this week’s extra special, extra spooky mix, we asked Marcus Pinn of Pinnland Empire and the Zebras in America podcast to curate […]
Any good slasher movie worth its salt gives us a villain that has some traumatic event that sets off their murderous frenzy – their “trigger,” if you will. Sometimes it’s horrifically tragic, sometimes it’s tragically […]
In 2016, I went with my mom and my aunt to go see The Turtles play. It was a good time– Iowa’s a good state for that sort of thing. We went to see them […]
This week’s recommendations are fitting for a cool evening in October: first we have a tribute to a late member of a punk band that never quite got its due followed by a trio of […]
When a film series fills a studio’s coffers and wins approval from critics and fans, its producers are often protective, making sure nothing will upset their lucrative franchise’s profitability. However, despite such safeguards, it’s almost […]
Do successful horror films grow into franchises, or are they genetically bound to the insatiable libido of culture, forcing them to evolve into soft-core porn? While longevity among any horror brand has both its inevitable […]
This week’s mix is brought to you by our very special guest curator, Chaki! We wanted a mix that was sure to bring the spooky funk as well as the spooky fun, so naturally we […]
Grumpire 9, Meet The Feebles 0 On today’s episode we welcome writer and filmmaker Ben Rock to the show to talk about a couple of right bastard puppet movies, Peter Jackson’s raunchy Muppet-sploitation piece Meet […]
For this week’s mixtape, we’re getting a little loose. Inspired by the conversation we had with Broken Lizard about their hilarious slasher parody, Club Dread, we thought we’d down a couple of pina coladas and […]
Nathan Smith talks to members of comedy troupe Broken Lizard about their fan favorite (but often overlooked by the mainstream) 2004 horror comedy, Club Dread For horror fans, it seems as though no sub-genre was […]
I first heard about Pretty Maids All In A Row from Anna Biller’s Twitter account. It’s evidence that everybody’s capable of giving you useful information at least once. This film caught my attention because it stars Rock […]
Last time, I wrote about my introduction to Blade and how it helped me overcome my film snobbery and made me a better human being. I’m still a snob, but one with fewer self-imposed restrictions […]
Any good slasher movie worth its salt gives us a villain that has some traumatic event that sets off their murderous frenzy – their “trigger,” if you will. Sometimes it’s horrifically tragic, sometimes it’s tragically […]
The first thing that comes up if you search for Douglas Gordon’s 24 Hour Psycho on YouTube is his interpretation of the shower scene from Hitchcock’s 1960 original. In the end, it could probably never […]
Today’s edition of BHYH may be the most eclectic we’ve done yet. In the mix we’ve got a powerhouse of a power pop band based out of Chicago, a richly diverse soundtrack to a early […]